Thursday, June 08, 2006

Rained out in Sydney

Sydney was a wash out. It rained incessantly for 2 and a half days and I only got to skate for half an hour the day I arrived in Manly. Although I'm old for a skater and probably should have found something else to do by now, I find it tough to keep myself occupied when it's too wet to skate; one day of being a tourist in each city is quite enough.

Obligatory photo of Sydney Opera House. There was a huge skatepark at the Sydney Olympic Park, although as it was bike day I couldn't skate.
The whole of Olympic Park was like a ghost town, which was pretty weird. They do hold big matches there but I guess there are probably more stadiums and facilities there than any city could need outside of the Olympic games.
Manly beach in the rain; there are signs advising you not to swim after a storm due to pollution being washed into the sea from the drains.
Another obligatory tourist photo, of the Sydney Harbour Bridge during the day
and at night.

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