Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Art tart at the Kala Pola

I think Kala Pola translates as Art Market. I bought a newspaper last week and it had an article on the 14th annual open-air art gallery / art fair that was due in town. The local art students sell their paintings every Sunday from the side of the road opposite the National Art Gallery, but this was an opportunity for artists from all over Sri Lanka to exhibit and sell their work. Bizarrely I woke up at about 7.30 on the day of the art fair. I couldn't get back to sleep so I went out on my bike to check it out. I was slightly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of paintings on display. I cycled up and down each side of the street seeing if anything caught my eye and then walked around more slowly to have a better look.
I wanted to get a picture that had a real flavour of Sri Lanka to remind me of my time here. This one guy's paintings caught my eye and I had a hard time working out which one I liked best. After he showed me his portfolio I said I'd think about it and come back later.
I had to cycle home and come back in a tuc tuc, as I wasn't going to try carrying a 3ft x 2 ft painting on my bike. This shot from the tuc shows how near to the road the art and artists were whilst traffic drove up and down as usual.
I bought 2 paintings in the end, which will brighten up my walls when I get back to England. This one depicts traditional Sri Lankan dance and music.
I liked the second painting, as the girls' features were slightly less stylised and looked more Sri Lankan to me. The colours were also cool and the painting kind of glows. I guess my taste is influenced by comics and graphics; they're like posters, which is cool, as I wanted something bold and bright.

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